Smartly determines, forwards and escalates alarms so that nurses continue to perform at their best in delivering quality care.

Improve response time
Don't let distance be the barrier to patient care. ivGuard secondary alarm alerts improve your team's response time to patient care.

Prioritise at-risk patients, drive focus, reduce fatigue
Alarms are great, but only if they are prioritised, relevant and actionable. ivGuard enables you to single out those patients who really need close monitoring, assign relevant nursing staff to be on stand-by and be alerted when needed, so that they can attend to the situation immediately.

Visibility to alarm-triggering events
Our system creates transparency on what leads to an alarm being triggered. This enables you to inspect and get down to the root cause of an alarm. You will improve nursing performance by focusing on "leading indicators" of care. Overtime, this will also lead to reduced "lagging indicators" such as number of alarms.